Biff was nice to his customers and to their faces, but could still be mean if he had to be. George seemed amused at Biff's efforts to get away with as little work as possible though he and Lorraine privately credited him with unwittingly helping them get together, and they appeared to have become friends, or were at least on amicable terms. The McFlys were among his most loyal customers, and Biff's subservient attitude was demonstrated by addressing George as "Mr. He started up his auto-detailing business, which he owned and ran himself, and by 1985 it seemed to be quite popular. Since Biff no longer had George to do his work for him, he now had to do things for himself. He may have found someone else to bully, but some theories suggest that as the supposed weakest kid in school had successfully stood up to and punched Biff, nobody else would let him bully them anymore. This punch led to a much more confident George, and Biff no longer had a victim to pick on. Lorraine fell in love with George at that moment, and they walked into the dance holding hands, staring into each other's eyes. This enraged George, who subsequently knocked out Biff with one punch. Lorraine, trying to pull Biff away from George, was knocked to the ground. He responded by attempting to break George's arm. For the first time, George stood up to Biff to stop him from raping Lorraine.

George came along, as part of the plan he and Marty had made where George would find Marty "parking" with Lorraine, but soon realized that the pretend rescue was now a real one. Biff's gang trapped Marty in the trunk of another car and Biff tried to get his way with Lorraine. Marty was also indirectly responsible for causing Biff to crash his car into a manure truck, and this led to Biff finding Marty and Lorraine on the night of the school dance (November 12, 1955). Marty, using the anachronistic name "Calvin Klein," also manages to get on the wrong side of Biff by standing up to him, something which Biff was not used to. However, things changed when the McFlys' youngest son Marty McFly accidentally traveled back through time to 1955 using his friend Doc Brown's DeLorean time machine, interfering with his parents' first meeting. Biff's crush on Lorraine never died either, although Lorraine had married George and presumably Biff had married as well.

Over the next 30 years, Biff would continue to bully and intimidate George, as they both ended up working for the same company where Biff became George's supervisor (due to George doing all Biff's work for him to get promoted). Biff Tannen, in the original timeline, started bullying George McFly when they were kids and never stopped.